Sunday, February 28, 2010


Sometimes, the movie contains so much passion, so much drama, so much emotional investment...

That a break is required.

Maybe it's not a break we want.

Maybe it's not even a break we need.

Rather, it's a break to realign our eyes, our hearts, our minds.

It makes appreciate things in a new way.

It makes us see both the forest AND the trees.

It gives us time to go to the bathroom, get more popcorn and a fresh drink, and stretch our legs.

It prepares us for what's to come.

And it heightens anticipation. Appreciation. Love.

I can't wait for the next act to begin.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Today's Whitman, Vol. 2

Again, from Leaves of Grass,


O you whom I often and silently come where you are that I may be with you, As I walk by your side or sit near, or remain in the same room with you, Little you know the subtle electric fire that for your sake is
playing within me.

Today's Whitman, Post 1

From Leaves of Grass:


Among the men and women the multitude,
I perceive one picking me out by secret and divine signs, Acknowledging none else, not parent, wife, husband, brother, child,
any nearer than I am,
Some are baffled, but that one is not--that one knows me.

Ah lover and perfect equal,
I meant that you should discover me so by faint indirections, And I when I meet you mean to discover you by the like in you.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

I Shall Not Be Moved

Shaken by the powers that be
To make me bend and fail
My love for you will still prevail
And I shall not be moved.

My heart beats out a tempo loud
I feel my pulse begin to race
Because of those who'd spoil our place
But I shall not be moved.

They operate in fits and starts
With madness, anger, fear and dread,
But us, we choose to love instead,
So I shall not be moved.

So let them strike and cut and swear
Attempt to ruin a love that's pure
Because that passion will endure.


I shall not be moved.