Wednesday, April 29, 2009

"Some Place Better Than Where You've Been..."

I see clear the soft horizon
Of a desert road deep within...

I am calling you

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Don't Say Goodnight

Nighttime makes us melancholy
Emotions find their way
Deep and strong
Welling up
Coursing through us

Every light seems to glow
And produce an image
In my head
In my heart
Of you

I hear a buzz
Repeating words
I don't want to hear
"Until tomorrow,


Good night.




I guess it is.

It will have to be.

A good night.

Holding back...

Life gets in the way

In the way of passion
Of comfort
Of us

Time simply plods along

Tick, tock, tick, tock

Until the next time

The time for which I pine

I feel like it's a rainy day
And in the next room
Waits my special place
Warm, inviting, secure...just out of reach.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Breath of Life

Stealing time and happiness
In nooks and crannies
In seconds and moments
In strange places
In subtle ways

A touch
A song
A glance
A smile

Every so often
A shared exchange
That makes the wait worthwhile

What we share
The only thing in the world
That's just for us
Fleeting in one way,
But forever in another.

Driving home
I could feel your breath in my mouth
And it took me higher
Than any drug has or could.

You touch my heart through walls.

Why a blog?

Sometimes, there are things that you want the world to know, but not from you. Hiding the identity of the messenger doesn't hide the truth within the message. These pieces have meaning for me, but also for the eyes, ears, and hearts to whom they are intended. You know who you are. This is for you.